Ontario Sport Jiu-Jitsu League Next Event

Ontario Sport Jiu-Jitsu League


OSJL Tournaments have the following Divisions


JJIF Jiu-Jitsu Fighting

A fast-paced competition format where participants combine - striking, throwing, and grappling skills to score points. Matches are divided into three phases:

Striking Phase: Points are awarded for controlled strikes to legal target areas.

Throwing Phase: Execute clean throws or takedowns for maximum points.

Grappling Phase: Gain points for dominant positions, hold-downs, or submissions.

This is the ultimate challenge to showcase well-rounded jiu-jitsu skills under the official JJIF rule set


Contact Jiu-Jitsu (Head Impact Free)

A thrilling format where participants compete in a
gi (traditional uniform) with a focus on controlled techniques. Striking to the body, throws, takedowns, hold-downs, and submissions are allowed. This division is head impact free, ensuring a safe but competitive experience that tests your abilities in multiple ranges of combat.


NoGi Contact Jiu-Jitsu (Head Impact Free)

Similar to the Contact Jiu-Jitsu division, but without the traditional gi. Competitors must rely on skillful grips, transitions, and control. This is a perfect opportunity for athletes from wrestling, judo, or MMA backgrounds
to test their grappling and striking skills in a head impact-free environment..


Self Defence (Duo-Kata)

Teams of two demonstrate pre-arranged self-defense techniques against a variety of realistic attacks. Judged on precision, creativity, and execution, this event is perfect for showcasing the practical application of martial arts. This division emphasizes technical skill and teamwork and is open to practitioners of all styles


Empty Hand Kata

A traditional event where competitors perform
pre-arranged forms or katas showcasing martial arts techniques, flow, and precision. Judged on accuracy, power, timing, and presentation, this event highlights the artistry and discipline of martial arts


(905) 371-6566

Site: www.osjl.ca

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